Granted to Charity
It's that time of year once again!
Where: 2100 W Tennessee St
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Saturday, October 2, 2021 10 am to 4 pm Eastern
Pet owners, animal lovers, and furry, feathered, or other friends are invited to the seventeenth annual Blessing of Animals. The Blessing of Animals originated in the 13th century in remembrance of St. Francis, the patron saint of animals and the environment, who believed that all animals should be treated with dignity and respect.
The event is FREE!
• Individual Blessings for Animal Companions
~ In the reconstructed 17th-century Franciscan church
~ Free certificates & online photos
• Crafts for Children
• Living History
• Animal-Organization Booths
Optional: Please bring pet food & supply donations for area animal shelters.
Animals must be on leashes or in carriers.
Photos from "Blessing of Animals 2019" album here on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=MissionSanLuis&set=a.10157779791969123
Last year's virtual Blessing event videos at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTbMnEiV2Jh6qvylhqRV4ymVFdv5g1dv4